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Add custom fields in Organilog
Tony Archambeau avatar
Written by Tony Archambeau
Updated over a week ago

Organilog lets you enter various information on your customers, jobs, tickets, and quotes/invoices. But you may have some specific needs that are not covered by the default fields.

Don't worry, you can create your own custom fields to tailor the interface to your preferences. This article shows you how to do that.

Demo video: To be updated

Items you can customize

You can create custom fields for different items, such as users, customers, addresses, installations, products, orders, quotes, invoices, tickets, ticket replies, and jobs.

1/ Custom fields menu

To access the custom fields menu, click on the "Settings" button at the top right of the interface. Then go to the "Custom fields" menu on the left. This interface shows all the custom fields that you have created on the platform.

2/ Add a custom field

To add a custom field from the menu, click on the "Add custom field" button. The interface for adding a new field has these properties:

  • Module: This lets you choose which items the custom field applies to. You can add the same field for multiple items. For example, you can create a "Buyer Information" field and show it for both quotes and invoices. To select multiple items, use the "ctrl" key on your computer when selecting them.

  • Field description: The name of this field.

  • Field type: The kind of data, such as a 1-line text field, a multi-line text field, a numeric field, or a drop-down list.

  • Always visible? When the field is always visible, it will always show up on the records. If it is not always visible, you can choose to add the field to the record when needed.

3/ Examples of fields for the customer record

Adding new fields

In the example below, we add a " Follow-up date " field to the customer records.

In this second example, we add a "yes/no" field to indicate whether the customer has an annual contract

List of fields

Customer record

By default, the customer record does not show custom fields. Click on the “Display options” button to select which fields you want to see > Save

After updating, the customer record will show the new fields (see bottom of the right column).

Editing/deleting a field

You can edit or delete a custom field from the custom fields menu. Please note that if you change the name of a field, this will not affect any existing data that you have entered before.

Keywords to access this article

  • Add a custom field

  • Create a new field

  • Customisation tool

  • Adding data

  • Customise the interface

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