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Invoice and quote statistics

Organilog provides a simple statistical analysis of your invoicing.

Tony Archambeau avatar
Written by Tony Archambeau
Updated over a week ago

Organilog offers a statistical analysis of your invoicing.

To access it :

  • Go to the navigation menu on the left.

  • In Invoicing module, click on Statistics.

You can view quotes and invoices by client, seller, product and by product category.

  • This last criterion (product category) is especially useful to easily obtain:

  • The revenue of "PRODUCT" or "SERVICES"

  • The revenue by category of service (Repair) by excluding the repair parts invoiced at cost price for example

  • Other data...

Additionally, you can also filter:

  • Time period

  • Quote status: In progress, Accepted, Rejected, etc.

  • Invoice status: Unpaid, In progress, Paid, etc.

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