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Invoice jobs

How to create and track invoices for jobs.

Tony Archambeau avatar
Written by Tony Archambeau
Updated over a week ago

There are two methods for invoicing jobs for your clients, outlined below:

Invoicing a Single Job

You've just completed a job for a client, and it's time to create an invoice. Follow these steps:

  • From the job page, you will see an option "Create invoice" in the flat key at the top right.

  • You can also check on the "Generate an invoice" button in the display options, and then click on "Generate invoice" on the right side of the job page (below the custom fields).

This will generate a new invoice. In the product line, you'll find the title of your job and its amount, based on the basic hourly rate entered in the parameters. Any products added to your job will also be included in your invoice, appearing in the product lines following the job entry.

For customizing the way the job title displays on the invoice and other related options, navigate to:

  • Settings

  • General Settings

  • Invoicing

  • Section: "Jobs"

Here, you'll be able to choose from various options for pre-filling job details on an invoice and customizing the information to be displayed (using dynamic values).

Invoicing Multiple Jobs

If you need to invoice multiple jobs for a client within a single invoice, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new invoice through the "Invoicing" function in the left-hand menu. Select "Invoicing" and then "Add invoice."

  2. From this invoice, you can:

    • Select your customer and their address.

    • Add the corresponding jobs by clicking on "Add job" or by typing the job number or title in the product line. You can also simply type "Job," and a list of suggested jobs will appear. Only jobs related to the selected customer will be presented in this list.

Tracking Your Invoices

When you invoice your jobs using either of the methods mentioned above, a link is established between the invoice and the job(s).

To easily access this information, in the job dashboard, open the Choice of columns, check Organilog invoicing and Action: Invoicing status.

By enabling these options, your table listing your jobs will display the invoice number linked to each job, and you'll also have the ability to change the invoicing status for each job.

⚡Note: The invoicing status is not automated. When you update an invoice as "paid," the status button in the list of jobs will not update automatically; you must do this manually.

You'll also find a direct link to the invoice within the job file (please check these options in the "Display Preferences" if the information differs from the screenshot).

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